Did you hear? Books can change the world. I actually find this a bit scary - India has always been pretty much a hotbed of political/religious strife, and to think a book could cause an uproar like this...Welcome to censorship, Lenin Kumar.
Also, books signed by gods are expensive.
Lord Death Man is the greatest name for a villain ever. Also, can I have this book? Batman...plus Japan....hilarity must ensue. I mean, could there be any other result?
I know it's not a book, but...it's BASED on a book... And Watchmen is all kinds of awesome. Plus, um, iTunes? Any time you want to stop owning me would be fantastic.
So...Beedle the Bard is actually sort of...fanfiction? Also, Rowling doesn't NEED your pitiful monies. She's SO RICH she can donate ALL of the funds from this future best seller to charity. WOW.
Market research: why DO we feel compelled to buy stuff? Looks pretty interesting...I could see how a biased perspective could make this un-compelling, though. We'll see.
My favorite is number 4. If you didn't actually need $700 mil, can I have my taxes back? Also, Krugman didn't make that up - bonus points to whoever can tell me who said it originally.
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